Are you 18 or over?

And more importantly, can you whistle?

Or in other words, are you of legal drinking age?
Don't worry about the whistling; it happens automatically when you drink our beer or visit the Fermentery.

Boat Shed Lager

A clean crisp aroma lager with grassy hops; the use of Pilsner and Munich malts gives this beer a pale golden colour. Lager is also the German for storage - another nod to its namesake. This brew has had a long lagering period, is bottom fermented and has been matured at a low temperature for up to 4 weeks just like typical German conditions because we all know good things come to those that wait!
Pairings This beer is perfectly balanced between hops and malts. Light malts don't absorb your palate with bitterness and give way to a sweet aftertaste mellowed by poignant hop flavors. The sweet malt character of this beer will boost natural umami flavor in fatty meats and sausages with adequate salt. The sweet malts and moderate carbonation will work hand in hand to sooth moderate heat from mild chillies or peppercorns. The grassy hops form bridge to sour notes in sourdough bread, yogurt, or sauerkraut. Enjoy this beer outside in the sun with friends around a grill with sizzling fresh chorizo sausage; or at home after work, with a plate of chicken Tikka and Naan bread.
Malt German Pilsner
Hops Green Bullet
Style Lager
Alc% 4.2%