Are you 18 or over?

And more importantly, can you whistle?

Or in other words, are you of legal drinking age?
Don't worry about the whistling; it happens automatically when you drink our beer or visit the Fermentery.

Boston ECIPL

Lets have a tea party! and throw it in the river, Damn the British! Drier than an IPA , fruity and aromatic, This lovely beer has strong notes of the US east coast hops from which we've used plenty: Michigan Cascade, Copper and Chinook, along with hints of organic Bergamot and green tea from the early dryhopping. Hazy, with a thick white head, You'll love it!
Pairings Light in body with a splendid hop flavour without the bitterness of a typical IPA. Enjoy outside with a summer salad, yoghurt with fruit or coconut prawns
Malt All local malts

Hops All Eastern American Hops
Alc% 6.2%