Are you 18 or over?

And more importantly, can you whistle?

Or in other words, are you of legal drinking age?
Don't worry about the whistling; it happens automatically when you drink our beer or visit the Fermentery.

Pacific Pale Ale

A large mix of NZ Malt and Wheat has resulted in a beautiful medium bodied hazy ale. The combination of kettle and dry hopping and the use of the Galaxy hops combines to make a brew with a refreshing citrus aroma. This summer ale has a good rounded flavour - boasting mouth filling fruits and a balanced bitterness.
Pairings This light beer has big hop flavor bringing to your palate generous amounts of citrus, floral, and white tea flavors with a creamy head and haziness pushing through a mild effervescent yeast flavor. The shock of bitterness is easily contrasted by light cream or fatty meats; while the hop characteristics is boosted by fermented flavors in mild cheeses and sour cream. Very light toasted and nutty flavors will form a bridge to the malts and yeasts floating in the haze. The ale should be enjoyed on a hot day with tuna poke over rice or chicken nachos with sour cream. Or maybe with a slice of cheese pizza, after a long work day, while watching the game.
Malt Gladfield Ale
Hops Galaxy
Style Pale Ale (Hazy)
Alc% 4.9%